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Insurance coverage for procedures varies by health plan. Determination for coverage is based on medical necessity and in some cases, photographic evidence as well as diagnostic testing to justify medical necessity.

Patient financial responsibility varies based on an individual health plan. Patient financial responsibility can range from a copayment at the facility to a percentage of all surgical charges. If your insurance denies coverage for your procedure, financing options are available.

Many health plans require the use of specific hospitals or outpatient surgical facilities. In cases in which your procedure is strictly cosmetic, they may be performed in the surgical suite at the Northside Clinic in Albuquerque.

If your procedure requires surgery in one of our surgery facilities, we perform surgery at Albuquerque Ambulatory Eye Surgery Center on Harper Boulevard or Lovelace Medical Center in downtown Albuquerque.

We typically schedule 4-8 weeks (or longer) in advance. You can request to be placed on a waiting list for an earlier appointment.

You can schedule an appointment by calling us in Albuquerque at (505) 343-6062.

It will depend on what condition and how long you have been on them. Generally, patients are able to coordinate getting off of blood thinners with their primary care providers or cardiologists prior to surgery.

This will depend on the specific surgery you have. Generally, patients will need about 5-10 days for swelling and bruising to begin to improve. Ask for a specific time frame for your surgery.
